
A professional and seamless translation service is critical to your company’s success. Our goal is to help you establish and keep an upscale business profile by providing terminologically consistent and accurate professional translations in line with ISO17100, specific to translation companies.
Main Priorities
Below are enlisted our three core translation values and main priorities.
- Accuracy of the translation. We aim to reproduce your content thoroughly and faithfully.
- Terminology consistency is equally important for achieving the highest quality standards in translation, which is why we use state-of-the-art translation memories software. This approach helps preserve your company’s terminology of choice as well as its consistency throughout the documents.
- Style is conveying the subtleties of the source text into the target, i.e. preserving your company’s tone, emphases and implications. Due to language and cultural specifics, the produced target text is not always an identical equivalent of the source. However, we aim to employ the most appropriate corresponding target expressions and idioms. This means that our priority is getting behind the words and creatively conveying their meaning in order to faithfully represent your say.